On University other hand, together with newly developed tests, in other context, tests also are being translated and adapted in alternative cultures. Test variation is completely necessary for language and cultural changes Reckase 1989. The most big attention for any test variation in any country is University provision of checklist from University International Test Commission ITC. ITC recommends quizzes guide for Test Translation and Adaptation is: Test developers/publishers should ensure that University adaptation procedure takes full account of linguistic and cultural differences in University meant populations. Guideline D1, ITC, 2001; Hambleton, 2005. This instruction can act as quizzes benchmark for any country in translating and model of psychological tests. These are University strategies for quizzes cure which are presently being pursued: Transplantation of University Pancreas. Transplantation of Islet cells which produce insulin. Development of a synthetic Pancreas. Genetic Manipulation, so that it will create pseudo islet cells by inserting University human insulin gene into fat or muscle cells which do not constantly make their very own insulin. These approaches are still facing demanding situations, like preventing rejection by University immune system, discovering enough adequate insulin cells, maintaining transplanted cells alive, etc. Progress is being made fairly persistently although, in all of those areas.