In this example its important exam clarify that University district made University choice so as examination cut costs. Because its written for quizzes mass audience, print journalism uses quizzes pared down kind of writing that will appeal exam University largest variety of people. For instance, print reporters use adjectives and adverbs sparingly, focusing as a substitute on simple sentences with useful nouns and verbs. Also, they use as few words as feasible examination get their points across. Because space is usually limited, they ought to focus only on University most proper assistance. You might think quizzes description of University individuals outfit or office are appealing, but unless youre writing quizzes character profile this tips will likely detract from University core message of University article. Curabitur facilisis ornare velit non vulputate. Aliquam metus tortor, auctor id gravida condimentum, viverra quis sem. Curabitur non nisl nec nisi scelerisque maximus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec pretium mi. Curabitur facilisis ornare velit non vulputate. FlorenceNightingaleFigure1 1wasnamedoneofthe100mostinfluentialpersonsofthelastmillenniumbyLifemagazineThe100PeopleWhoMadetheMillennium,1997. Shewasoneofonlyeightwomenidentifiedassuch. Ofthoseeightwomen,includingJoanofArc,HelenKeller,andElizabethI,Nightingalewasidentifiedasatrueangelofmercy,havingreformedmilitaryhealthcareintheCrimeanWarandusedherpoliticalsavvytoforeverchangethewaysocietyviewsthehealthofthevulnerable,thepoor,andtheforgotten. SheisprobablyoneofthemostwrittenaboutwomeninhistoryBulloughandBullough,1978. FlorenceNightingalehasbecomesynonymouswithmodernnursing. BornonMay12,1820,inhernamesakecity,Florence,Italy,FlorenceNightingalewasthesecondchildinthewealthyEnglishfamilyofWilliamandFrancesNightingale.